Berlevåg swimming pool — E.30 Plumbing contract


Avatud menetlus
19.01.2018 10:25 (GMT+02:00)
19.02.2018 12:00


Berlevåg Kommune Berlevåg Kommune
Kari Celine Kalvik Kari Celine Kalvik
Torggata 4
9980 Berlevåg

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Berlevåg kommune shall construct a new swimming pool building. In addition to the swimming pool, the building shall house areas for a youth club and a dental clinic. The building will be directly connected to the existing sports hall.

The entire building will have a total of 1709 m2 over 2 floors, of which the swimming pool and changing rooms make up 880 m2. The main floor will have the swimming pool, changing rooms and a dental clinic. The basement, which will be on the same level as the sports hall, shall have a youth club, technical rooms, communal areas and a gym.

All the areas are to fulfil universal design requirements. In addition there will be a lifting system in the swimming pool for disabled persons and it must be possible to raise and lower the bottom of the pool. The pool shall be a steel construction of 12.5 x 8.5 m, with a maximum depth of 1.6 m.

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