Provision of company health services.


Avatud menetlus
29.04.2017 10:34 (GMT+03:00)
12.06.2017 12:00


Oljedirektoratet Oljedirektoratet
Pål Schiager Pål Schiager
Postboks 600
4003 Stavanger

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway shall procure company health services. The procurement is divided up into sub-deliveries, services can be offered for the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway in Stavanger or for the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate in Harstad. Tenders can also be submitted for both lots. See the tender documentation for detailed information on the tender competition.

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