Prior information notice — Request For Information (RFI) regarding balancing and control.


Ei kohaldata
15.03.2016 10:29 (GMT+02:00)


Direktoratet for økonomistyring (DFØ) [The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management] Direktoratet for økonomistyring (DFØ) [The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management]
Tove Herstad
Postboks 7154
0130 Oslo

Hanke lühikirjeldus

This is a Request for Information, RFI.

The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management (DFØ) wishes through this RFI, to identify possibly solutions tenderers can offer for balancing and control. The tenderers are requested to inform and describe, in the best possible manner, the possibilities that they think safeguard the requirements that are described in this RFI, also in relation to the accounting period's conclusion, transaction matching and comparison of data.

Note that this RFI process is not to be seen as a part of the impending procurement process and it is neither directly regulated in the procurement rules. Final decisions and choices as regards the procurement and the procurement process have not been made at the present time. The response on this RFI is not binding for the tenderer or the Contracting Authority in relation to future procurements, if any.

The Contracting Authority requests a written feedback on various functions in an attached excel document. If the tenderer is not able to answer all questions, answer to parts of the questions can be provided. However, the tenderers are asked to submit a response where the questions are answered as detailed as possible, and possibly also a description of possibilities/functionalities that the Contracting Authority has not taken into considerations when the questions were made. It is also important to describe how parts of the functionality can be integrated towards other systems. The response shall be in Norwegian, but any additional documentation the tenderer wishes to add, can be in English.

All responses shall be sent to the following e-mail address:

The deadline for submitting responses is Monday 4.4.2016 (8:00).

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