Analysis tool


15 - Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
Award of a contract without prior publication of a call for competition
16.12.2021 10:17 (GMT+02:00)


Sunnfjord og Ytre Sogn IKT (SySIKT) Sunnfjord og Ytre Sogn IKT (SySIKT)
Lise Mari Haugen
Hafstadvegen 42
6802 Førde


The SYS municipalities intend to procure a cloud-based system to support municipal analysis, performance management, budgeting, financial planning, and reporting. It is important that the system has good integration between the modules. The system must also support the requirements in the SYS municipalities' digitalisation strategy. This is to ensure quality, work processes and efficiency gains. The SYS municipalities need to procure a system that will be integrated with the financial system Visma and used for the following main areas: Preparation of finance plans, budgeting, and budget reports, etc. The system must also support the municipality's communication strategy 'open and available' by facilitating simple production of easily comprehensible and informative reports in the network within: Budget, finance plan, activity plans, and analyses.

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