Framework agreement for passenger transport services in Agder for the Marnardal and Songdalen (north of Finsland) areas


03 - Contract award notice
Avatud menetlus
15.12.2021 10:56 (GMT+02:00)


Agder fylkeskommune Agder fylkeskommune
Hanne Hovde
Tordenskjoldsgate 65
4605 Kristiansand


The contracting authority comprising Vest-Agder County and Agder kollektivtrafikk AS, invites tenderers to a tender contest for passenger transport services, including ordinary transport of school pupils, individually adapted school transport services, ordinary scheduled transport in accordance with bookings and facilitated transport (TT) in accordance with bookings. Pupils in primary and secondary schools and sixth form colleges have, in certain cases, the right to permanent or temporary transport between their homes and schools in accordance with the Education Act. This applies to pupils who either have a long journey to schools, a dangerous school journey or permanent/temporary disability/illness. The assignment includes school transport for pupils who cannot meet their transportation needs through the ordinary route service, and whose place of residence is along one of the routes. The tender contest is divided into 2 sub-contracts/transport areas. Tenderers can choose to submit a tender for one or both of the sub-contracts: Part 1/transport area 1: Songdalen north of Finsland. Part 2/transport area 2: Marnadal.

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