Agreement for Printed Books in Other Languages than Norwegian


02 - Contract notice
Avatud menetlus
03.07.2020 11:28 (GMT+03:00)
17.08.2020 11:00


Statped Statped
Gunn Larsen
Sommerrogata 13
0255 Oslo

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Statped [the National Special Educational Service] Library, call for tenders for a framework agreement for the procurement of printed books. The agreement must cover the contracting authority's need for the delivery of printed books for use by Statped's [the National Special Educational Service] employees. The books shall be in languages other than Norwegian. Particularly in English, Swedish and Danish. We want a broad selection of books for our special educational subject areas which are: • acquired brain damage, • refraction anomaly, • hearing disability, • language/speech disability, • compound learning disabilities, • deaf-blindness, • we also need access to books in management, ICT, R&D, medicine, special education, general education and other supporting subjects. See further information on the subject areas at

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