Framework Agreement for Municipal Vehicles


03 - Contract award notice
Avatud menetlus
06.02.2020 10:38 (GMT+02:00)


Gloppen kommune Gloppen kommune
Geir Liavåg Strand Geir Liavåg Strand
Grandavegen 9
6823 Sandane


In line with the municipal goal of being fossile free by 2023, Gloppen Municipality will renew its vehicles through the procurement of electric vehicles. This notice is for a framework agreement for 4 years. The value over the contract period will be approx. 4 000 000 NOK. A signed contract will not involve a procurement obligation for the contracting authority. Changes in organisation, budget and routines can affect the total volume. The vehicles will be used for passenger transport in the home care services, but also for other sectors in the municipality. A framework agreement will be signed with one tenderer.

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