For delivery of consultancy services For the onsite support and consultancy work in Ukraine (team leader)


17.01.2020 12:16 (GMT+02:00)
03.02.2020 13:00 (GMT+02:00)
31.01.2020 13:00 (GMT+02:00)


Forsvarsdepartementet Forsvarsdepartementet
Tor-Odd Gulaker Tor-Odd Gulaker
Glacisgata 1
0150 OSLO

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

CIDS are performing a project funded by the Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs on improving good governance in Ukraine. The project runs for a period of approximately three years. The duration of the project can by prolonged based on changes to the project and the progress.
The Consultant shall render professional assistance under the direction of the Customer, hereafter referred to as the Assistance.
Description of the Assistance:
The project’s overall objective is to enhance professionalism and integrity in the defence and security sectors within the three closely related impact areas:
• Public procurement, asset disposal, and property management;
• Human resource Management (HRM)
• General mechanisms to promote integrity and reduce corruption risks in defence and security institutions.

Hankele lisatud dokumendid

Dokumendi nimi Faili suurus
Request for quotation team leader Ukraine.docx 98 KB

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