Framework Agreement for Consultancy Services, ICT and Project Management


03 - Contract award notice
Avatud menetlus
13.11.2019 10:35 (GMT+02:00)


Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT) Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT)
Nina Strand
Drammensveien 288
0283 Oslo


Framework agreement for consultancy service for the digitalisation work. The contract will cover the need for competence and capacity for the digitalisation work in NOKUT. The need for competence and capacity can vary within the following areas: — project management for development projects, — assistance related to implementation projects, — assistance with test management, — assistance in increasing NOKUT's digital competence, — procurements within ICT, including the preparation of ICT requirements specifications and competition documents, — ICT strategic work.

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