Luminor Bank RFP: Courier services in Luminor Lithuanian branch


20.06.2019 10:46 (GMT+03:00)
16.07.2019 12:00 (GMT+03:00)


Luminor Bank AS Luminor Bank AS
Nadežda Deņkoviča Nadežda Deņkoviča
Skanstes iela 12
1010 Rīga

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian branch is organizing the tender for post courier services in Lithuania.
Please find attached specification with all RFP details, in section Files.

All questions shall be submitted through Mercell platform. Questions will be answered within 3 business days or earlier.

Deadline for submitting proposals: 16.07.2019

Kind regards,
Nadežda Deņkoviča 

Hankele lisatud dokumendid

Dokumendi nimi Faili suurus
Request for proposal_courier services for Luminor Lithuania.docx 58 KB
Annex 1 - Specification.docx 19 KB
Annex 1.1 - Specification_branches and addresses.docx 14 KB
Annex 2 - The third party's confirmation to the code of responsible business conduct.docx 32 KB

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