Confocal Microscope for the Department of Biosciences


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Offentligt udbud
24-11-2018 09:29 (GMT+01:00)
20-12-2018 12:00


Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo
Ketil Sand
Postboks 1078 Blindern
0315 Oslo
971 035 854

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The University of Oslo shall procure a scanning confocal microscope for in vivo cellular imaging in living animals. Living mice and rats shall be placed under the microscope. The animal must be accessible from the sides via micro manipulators for distribution of micro injections or intracellular recording. This equipment is not a part of the tender, however the microscope configuration must allow utilisation of the equipment.

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