Framework agreement for legal services.


Offentligt udbud
06-04-2017 09:41 (GMT+02:00)
15-05-2017 12:00


Norges forskningsråd Norges forskningsråd
Ulla Marie Hegnar Ulla Marie Hegnar
Drammensveien 288
1327 Lysaker

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Research Council of Norway, c/o the Legal Department in the Administration Division and NOKUT — National Body for Quality in Education, invite tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for the procurement of legal services. Legal services means everything from answering individual legal questions on the telephone to more comprehensive review work.

The Research Council of Norway and NOKUT would like to enter into framework agreements with two to three lawyer companies for the provision of legal services. The framework agreements will be signed with one tenderer as the primary provider, and one to two as secondary providers within the particular legal areas that the Research Council of Norway and NOKUT can required assistance in. The Research Council of Norway and NOKUT shall not have any obligations to procure services under the contract, but will make call-offs as needed.

See the tender documentation for further information.

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