Establishment and operation of a broad band network with delivery of content services in the area of Marså-Rake-Loen-Lodalen in Stryn kommune.


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24-03-2016 09:29 (GMT+01:00)
23-05-2016 13:00


Stryn municipality Stryn municipality
Johnny Hove
Tonningsgata 4
6783 Stryn

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The competition concerns one service concession where the Contracting Authority does not purchase service from the supplier, but uses a grant for development of a broadband network. The supplier has the full financial risk for costs with development of the network, customer basis/income, as well as costs with operation of the network.

The supplier will not get sole rights on delivery in the particular area even if one uses the service concession as a competition form.

Stryn kommune will develop and facilitate so that private and commercial activities in the area of Rise -Mindresunde are able to connect to a powerful and future orientated broadband network, a so-called ‘next generation access network’ (NGA).

A broadband development with public funding shall elevate the development area up one capacity classification. In other words, one cannot give a grant for a development with new technology within the same capacity classification. The municipality requires the offered system to have a minimum capacity of 30 Mbit/s.

There must not be any obligation to purchase content services in addition to general internet access.

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