1107304/-05 Ocean Space Centre K662-01 bølgemaskiner til forkortet slepetank


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Offentligt udbud
16-12-2021 14:41 (GMT+01:00)
28-01-2022 14:00 (GMT+01:00)


Frode Aamodt Frode Aamodt
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 6
Postboks 232 Sentrum

0103 OSLO

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Statsbygg ber i forbindelse med prosjekt:
navn: Ocean Space Centre
om tilbud på :
K662-01 bølgemaskiner til forkortet slepetank


Navn Størrelse
A1 1107305 OSC K662-01 Invitation to tender.DOCX 93 KB
A2 1107305 OSC K662-01 Quotation form.DOCX 98 KB
A3 1107305 OSC K662-01 Agreement (draft).DOCX 84 KB
A4 Statsbygg Contract Terms (Orgalime SI14 amendments) (1).DOCX 62 KB
B1 OSC-SB-O-SD-00005_Scope of Work description wave generation towing tank.PDF 415 KB
B2 OSC-SB-M-SD-00001_Requirements for towing tank wave generators.PDF 640 KB
B3 OSC-SB-T-SD-00001_Requirements for tow tank wave gen control- and safety systems.PDF 464 KB
B4 OSC-SB-O-SD-00003_Requirements for supplier documentation including DFO.PDF 471 KB
B5 OSC-SB-O-SD-00004_Tagging requirements.PDF 403 KB
B6 OSC-SB-O-SD-0002 TFM-Amendement.PDF 671 KB
B7 OSC-SB-O-RA-00001 K662-01 Equipment List from dRofus.PDF 140 KB
B8 OSC-SB-O-SD-00008_Strategy for Systematic Completion.PDF 1,28 MB
C1 Ocean Space Centre - Project Overall Progress Plan 291021.PDF 511 KB
C2 K662-01 Timeline R01.PDF 583 KB
D1 OSC-B-SB-O-TEG-00001 System Diagram Wave generation Towing tank.PDF 149 KB
D2 C-00-B-20-50-001 - Forkorting av slepetanken.PDF 447 KB
E1 RIB_Forkortet slepetank.IFC 144 KB
F1 OSC-SB-Q-SD-0003 Administration Procedures.PDF 1,20 MB
F2 Statsbygg OSC HSWE plan.DOCX 2,52 MB
F3 Special requirements for HSWE and seriousness.DOCX 90 KB
F4 Self-reporting by supplier.DOCX 81 KB
F5 OSC-SB-Å-SD-00002 BIM-requirements for special equipment.PDF 395 KB
F6 SIMBA 2-0 General Requirements.XLSX 96 KB
F7 OSC-SB-O-SD-00012 Action plan for digitisation.PDF 693 KB
F8 OSC-SB-Å-SD-00001 General Attributes and properties in BIM models.PDF 263 KB
F9 OSC - Construction description, shortening of towing tank 221021.PDF 684 KB

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