Small scale procurement: Evaluation of the Cooperation on Green Belt of Fennoscandia - New perspectives and guidelines for future cooperation


Offentligt udbud
28-06-2021 15:01 (GMT+02:00)
12-08-2021 15:15 (GMT+02:00)


Ympäristöministeriö, Ministry of the Environment Ympäristöministeriö, Ministry of the Environment
Kristiina Niikkonen Kristiina Niikkonen
P.O Box 35 (Aleksanterinkatu 7)
00023 Government (Helsinki)

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Kort beskrivelse

The overall objective of this evaluation is to assess the results and achievements of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia cooperation in 2010–2020 and to propose a way forward to strengthen the cooperation and its effectiveness for the next decade.

A more detailed description of the project and it's background is given in Annex 1.

Detailed description of the procurement is given in Annex 1.

The contracting entity has estimated that the anticipated value of the procurement

(excluding value added tax) for the whole contract period including options (if any)

does not exceed the national threshold value as referred to in section 25 of the Act

on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts (1397/2016, later referred to as the

Public Procurement Act). For this reason, the procurement is not subject to the

provisions of the Public Procurement Act.

Open procedure will be used as the procurement procedure. In open procedure, the contracting entity publishes a contract notice and makes the call for tenders available so that all prospective suppliers may submit tenders.

The main stages in the procurement procedure are as follows:

1. Publication of the call for tenders and the contract notice

2. Reception and opening of the tenders

3. Checking the suitability of the tenderers

4. Checking compliance with the call for tenders

5. Comparing the tenders using the comparison criteria laid out in the call for tenders

6. Making the procurement decision and announcing the winner

7. Drafting the procurement contract with the winning tenderer.

The procurement contract only becomes effective after the parties have signed the written contract.

The Contracting Entity may suspend the procurement procedure if the tenders received are not in accordance with the call for tenders in the manner required by the Contracting Entity. The Contracting Entity may also suspend the procurement if the circumstances during the competitive tendering change so that the Contracting Entity is unable to use the results of the competitive tendering or if there are other justified grounds for suspending the procurement.

The Contracting Entity may exclude from the competitive tendering a tenderer that does not meet the suitability requirements laid out in the call for tenders or that has provided deficient or

incorrect information with regard to the selection of the tenderer and the tender. The Contracting Entity may reject tenders that are incomplete or do not

correspond to the call for tenders. The Contracting Entity will request any supplementary information for the tenders separately in writing.

No remuneration or fees will be paid for submitting a tender. The tenderers are not entitled to any compensation from the Ministry of the Environment for preparing the tender or for any costs arising from any action associated with it.


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Evaluation of the Cooperation on Green Belt of Fennoscandia - New perspectives and guidelines for future 5,65 MB
Evaluation of the Cooperation on Green Belt of Fennoscandia - New perspectives and guidelines for future cooperation.pdf 360 KB

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