Engineering Design, Construction and Operation of Broadband Network Areas: Baugstranda, Sniltstveitsøy, Skorpo


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Offentligt udbud
23-11-2020 09:37 (GMT+01:00)
30-11-2020 08:00


Kvinnherad kommune Kvinnherad kommune
Jorunn Karin Furdal Jorunn Karin Furdal
Rosendalsvegen 10
5470 Rosendal

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The purpose of this contest is to build broadband in the areas Baugstranda, Sniltstveitsøy and Skorpo. Baugstranda, stretching from Matre ferry quay to Åkra, has approx. 90 dwellings/households, Snilstveitøy has five dwellings/households and Skorpo has two residences/households that should be offered broadband. There is a number of cabins/cottages in all three of the areas. There is great interest amongst the permanent residents to get broadband. The tenderer must implement the expansion even if not all potential customers commit to subscriptions on the broadband service. There is currently offers of mobile broadband. The mobile broadband is unstable, with very low coverage. There has not been interest to develop new broadband on purely commercial terms. There are no NGA networks in the area. The procurement includes necessary the necessary main line in to the area and distribution network out to the subscribers.

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