Daisy Talking Book CD Players 2020


Offentligt udbud
17-08-2020 15:43 (GMT+02:00)
31-08-2020 11:00 (GMT+02:00)


Näkövammaisten liitto ry Näkövammaisten liitto ry
Iiro Nummela Iiro Nummela
PL 30
00030 Iiris

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The FFVI hereby invites you to submit a tender on Daisy CD playback devices and possible service related thereto.
The tenderer as well as offered products and services must meet the requirements set out on Call for Tenders.

The contract will be awarded through an open procedure. Note that in open procedures, negotiating is not allowed. Therefore, it is important that the bidder submit their best bid in the tender.

In the event that none of the tenders received meet the requirements of the Call for Tender as intended by the Customer the Customer may wholly or partially interrupt the procurement procedure.

According to the Finnish regulations the DAISY Player Service shall put their contracts out to tender. The procurement will take place in compliance with the Act on Public Contracts and concessions (1397/2016). The contract concerns a procurement exceeding national threshold value.

The contract award procedure will progress in the following steps:

1. Opening the tenders

2. Evaluation of the suitability of the tenderers.

2. Verifying that the tenders and the services tendered fulfill the requirements of the Call to tender.

3. Comparison of the tenders that fulfill the requirements of the Call for Tender.

4. Contract award decision and notification

5. Concluding the Contracts. This can only take place by signing the Contract.

Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan toimittaa: Englanti, Suomi


Navn Størrelse
Daisy Talking Book CD Players 2020.pdf 105 KB

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