Open tender contest for a digital system for safety technology at home


Öppet förfarande
2017-12-23 09:31 (GMT+01:00)
2018-02-01 23:59


Halden Kommune Halden Kommune
Svein Andersen Svein Andersen
Storgata 8
1751 Halden

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Halden municipality, (hereafter called the contracting authority), would like tenders for the delivery of a digital system for safety technology at home.

More than 31 000 people live in Halden municipality and it is the largest municipality in Østfold (geographically). The municipality has a relatively spread population over 642 km2 and the degree of mobile and internet coverage varies. A relatively low percentage of the current users are connected to the internet at home.

The tender applies to the products/services included in the price sheet (Chapter 2) and closely related products, i.e. products that are naturally come under the same product areas.

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