Hankinta: Repair works in the Embassy of Finland in Tokyo


13-07-2016 09:48 (GMT+02:00)
21-07-2016 15:00 (GMT+02:00)


Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Heikki Lehto
PL 454
00023 Valtioneuvosto

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Kort beskrivelse

    Kansallinen hankintailmoitus:
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland : Repair works in the Embassy of Finland in Tokyo
13.07.2016 10:04
Ilmoituksen numero HILMA:ssa: 2016-018413
Osallistumishakemukset 21.7.2016 klo 16.00 mennessä osoitteeseen:
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland 0245973-9 /
Administrative Services, Real Estate Unit
Heikki Lehto
PL 454
Puh. +35829535000
Hankintayksikön yhteystiedot
Hankintayksikön yhteystiedot
Hankintayksikkö Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Y-tunnus 0245973-9
Kilpailuttamisesta vastaava toimipiste tai hankintayksikön edustaja Administrative Services, Real Estate Unit
Yhteyshenkilö Heikki Lehto
Postiosoite PL 454
Postinumero 00023
Postitoimipaikka Valtioneuvosto
Maa Suomi
Kilpailuttamisesta vastaava toimipiste tai hankintayksikön edustaja Administrative Services, Real Estate Unit
Yhteyshenkilö Heikki Lehto
Puhelin +35829535000
Sähköpostiosoite heikki.lehto@formin.fi
Internet-osoite (URL) http://formin.finland.fi

Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä Ks. edellä hankintayksikön yhteystiedot

Hankintayksikön luonne Valtion viranomainen

Hankintalaji Rakennusurakka

Hankinnan kohde
Hankinnan nimi Repair works in the Embassy of Finland in Tokyo
Hankinnan kuvaus

The scope of the works comprises repair works in three apartments and related mechanical and electrical works in the Embassy of Finland in Tokyo locating in the address 3-5-39, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-851

The works are scheduled to begin in September 2016 and to be completed and handed over to the Client in February 2017.

Hankinnan ennakoitu arvo (ilman ALV) Hankinta ylittää hankintalain 15 §:n kynnysarvon.
Yhteinen hankintanimikkeistö (CPV): Pääkohde Rakennustyöt. (45000000-7)
Hankinnan pääasiallinen toteutuspaikka
Muu kuin Suomi

Hankintamenettely Rajoitettu menettely
Osatarjoukset hyväksytään Ei
Vaihtoehtoiset tarjoukset hyväksytään Ei
Hankinta varataan työkeskuksille tai toteutettavaksi työohjelmien yhteydessä Ei

Hankintamenettelyn tarkemmat ehdot
Ehdokkaiden tai tarjoajien soveltuvuutta koskevat vaatimukset

Candidates for this contract must meet the following minimum levels of ability required in carrying out the contract works and obligations:

a) Technical and professional ability to execute the contract works.

b) Good knowledge about the technical regulations covering the subject works in Japan as well as knowledge about authorities controlling the said works.

c) Good knowledge of occupational safety regulations and practices concerning construction works in Japan.

d) All contract documents shall be in English language. Conduct of matters with the client and designers shall be carried out in English or in Finnish. For this reason a candidate's management responsible for implementation of the the contract must have sufficient skills in verbal and written English language.

Todistukset ja selvitykset, joiden perusteella soveltuvuuden täyttyminen arvioidaan

As evidence for ability to carry out the contract works and obligations a candidate must deliver the following documents with the request to participate in the tender:

a) a list of works carried out over the past 5 years.

b) a list of the most important Japanese technical regulations and standards concerning the contract works in question as well as a list of authorities which control fulfilment of these regulations and standards.

d) a list of the most important Japanese occupational safety regulations concerning the works in question, as well as a list of authorities which instruct and control application of these regulations.

d) a written assurance signed by the candidate which evidences that the candidate's management meets the required skills in English language.

Soveltuvia ehdokkaita valitaan rajoitettu määrä Kyllä
Hankintamenettelyä koskevat lisätiedot

The tendering procedure is a restricted procedure and the Client shall choose 5 candidates to participate in tender procedure.

Choosing of candidates is based on the following criteria:

a) Technical and professional ability to execute the contract works.

b) Competence of the personnel of the candidate.

c) Quality system.

As regards to above mention the candidates are requested to deliver the following information with the request to participate in the tender:

a) a list of works carried out over the past 5 years.

b) Information and copies of the documents which evidence the professional skills and experience of the candidate's personnel available for the management and implementation of the contract works.

c) Information and description of the quality system of the candidate.

Requests to participate in the tender procedure with all appendices must be delivered in a closed envelope on 21st July 2016 before 16:00 hours at the latest to the following address.

Real Estate Unit (HAL-60)

PO Box 454

00023 Government


Envelope should be marked with the text "REPAIR WORKS OFFER TOKYO"

Choice of the candidates to participate in the tender procedure is scheduled to take place till 25th July 2016.

Tarjouksen valintaperuste Kokonaistaloudellisesti edullisin tarjous ottaen huomioon. Tarjouspyyntöasiakirjoissa esitetyt vertailuperusteet
Tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset on toimitettava hankintayksikölle viimeistään 21.7.2016 16.00


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