Investigation of the financial and administrative consequences of different models for operation of the air ambulance service


03 - Contract award notice
Atklāts konkurss
19.01.2023 10:17 (GMT+02:00)


Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet
Frode Alexander Igesund
Postboks 8011 Dep
0030 OSLO

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The financial and administrative consequences etc. of different models for the operation of operator responsibility for the air ambulance service as described in the report "Organisation of the air ambulance service" (March 2021) must be investigated: • The current model, including opportunities for improvement • Publicly operated models • Models operated by non-profit stakeholders Answers to the assignment must be included as part of the decision-making basis for future organisation of the air ambulance service. The assignment will identify critical risk elements (financial, legal, preparedness) in the various models and risks related to the process of changing the model for operator responsibility. As part of the investigation, relevant experiences from restructuring the service in other countries, including Sweden, Finland and Denmark, will be collected. Submission of final report on 1 June 2023

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