Parallel framework agreements for consultancy services architect (ARK/ IARK).

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2016-11-09 10:38 (GMT+02:00)
2016-12-22 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Kongsberg kommunale eiendom KF Kongsberg kommunale eiendom KF
Jan Magne Svalestuen Jan Magne Svalestuen
Postboks 115, Hasbergs vei 36
3602 Kongsberg

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Kongsberg kommunale eiendom KF shall procure consultancy services for ARK/IARK. Kongsberg kommunale eiendom KF is a large property developer with responsibility for approx. 120 000 km of buildings. The project portfolio is varied and consists of both large and small projects, new buildings or renovation assignments of varying extent. The number and extent will depend on the approved investment budget.

The actual projects will cover new buildings, building development and maintenance of existing buildings. The assignments are challenging and multifaceted in a interactive environment that will draw in schools, nurseries, sports/culture and the local environment. Separate review assignments can also be expected.

The extent of the consultancy assignments will depend on the execution model. KKE has decided that, as a rule, the turnkey contract model shall be used in its new building projects. The consultant's role will be clearly defined in each call-off on the framework agreement.

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