Restricted Procedure: Midterm Review of the Denmark-Burkina Bilateral Development Programme 2021-2025

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Ribotas konkursas
2023-12-01 02:06 (GMT+02:00)
2023-12-18 15:00 (GMT+02:00)

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Udenrigsministeriet Udenrigsministeriet
København K

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BACKGROUND: The Denmark-Burkina Bilateral Development Programme was approved in 2021 comprising a dozen development engagements (projects) within a total budget frame of DKK 1050 million. The programme comprises three strategic objectives, in line with key national development objectives and Danish political priorities: 1. Enhance security, rule of law, human rights and effectiveness of national institutions with a view to containing the escalation of conflict as well as addressing structural causes of fragility through support to international and regional security and stabilisation efforts and support to building strong, legitimate public institutions and civil society in Burkina Faso. 2. Promote local community resilience and national economic resilience with the perspective of reducing poverty by responding to local emergency needs and supporting economic growth and creating job opportunities, with focus on youth and inclusive growth. 3. Support the development of climate-change adaptation measures to prevent a further deterioration of the living conditions of vulnerable populations by ensuring an increased, more equal and fair access to water resources for all purposes. OBJECTIVE: The overall objective of the midterm review is to provide an independent assessment of the current performance of the programme in accordance with Danida’s Aid Management Guidelines within the current - and increasingly challenging – context, including to what degree it remains possible to achieve the objectives of the Country Strategic Framework and the 2021-2025 Bilateral Programme within the existing time-frame. METHOD & OUTPUTS: The review will be conducted based on a combination of a documentary review and interviews with staff at the Danish Embassy in Ouagadougou, implementing partners, donors and other key stakeholders. The review team will undertake a field mission to Burkina Faso. The review will include the following outputs: 1) A Mission Preparation Note (MPN) outlining key issues of concern and a refined methodology, updated schedule and details about the field mission; 2) A debriefing presentation highlighting key preliminary review findings and recommendations to be presented at the end of the field mission; 3) A draft midterm review report including findings and recommendations (approximately 15-20 pages, excluding annexes); 4) A final midterm review report. All documents must be submitted in French. TIMEFRAME: The midterm review is expected to start late March 2024 and end with the submission of the final review report by late May. The two-week field mission to Burkina Faso is foreseen to take place during mid April (final dates tbc). CONSULTANTS: Three external international consultants/experts are required for this assignment. These include: 1) an expert in community resilience and food security, small scale agribusiness, within agro-sylvo-pastoral households and collaboration with and support to civil society organisations including community-led initiatives and experience from conflict-affected community contexts, 2) an expert in water resources management and provision of equitable access to water and sanitation, 3) an expert in financial management and results monitoring with experience from development cooperation projects and programmes. Consultant 1 or 2 will act as team leader for the external consultants. All consultants are expected to have very good working knowledge of French and extensive regional experience. The review team will include two staff from the MFA’s Department for Evaluation Learning and Quality, of which one will act as team leader. BUDGET: The budget maximum is DKK 895,000.00 net of VAT. Deadline: 18th December 2023, at 14:00, Danish time Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below with copy to Contact point: Department of Evaluation, Learning and Quality Name of the Programme Officer: Idil Abdiaziz Nor on behalf of Johnny Flentø E-mail address: with copy to Criteria for selection: A minimum of three and a maximum of four applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.

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