Competence broking for VRI Rogaland.


Open procedure
01.02.2017 09:39 (GMT+01:00)
02.03.2017 12:00


Rogaland Fylkeskommune Rogaland Fylkeskommune
Stina Sel Stina Sel
Fakturamottak, PB 299
4002 Stavanger

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Competence broking is a tool in VRI Rogaland. VRI stands for ‘Funding for regional innovation’. During the period 2017 — 2019, VRI Rogaland will be financed by the Research Council of Norway's' new program, FORREGION, Rogaland communicates and the County Governor in Rogaland.

The main objective in the period is: VRI Rogaland shall assist in increasing value creation through research based innovation that shall secure the existing, and create new work places.

The agreement is set for approx. nine months, expiry date 31.12.2017, with an option on 1 year + 1 year (12 months + 12 months). This is done in order to follow the calendar year, due to different grant schemes.

It is desirable that the research based broker has an independent role, to avoid mixing roles in the market, see more information in the attached requirement specification. The research based broker must sign a confidentiality agreement by start up of the assignment.

Mercell Holding AS

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