Destination e-training platform


Restricted procedure
28.01.2021 09:20 (GMT+01:00)
11.02.2021 11:00 (GMT+01:00)


Business Finland Oy Business Finland Oy

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Visit Finland (part of Business Finland OY) is planning to implement destination e-training platform for global use. Target users will be international tour operators and travel agents. The solution will also aim to promote Finland as an attractive travel destination. The platform consists of different modules showcasing and educating users about destination Finland on inspiring and interactive way. User reporting is an essential functionality of the platform. The solution needs to be mobile scalable and support number of language versions.

Targeted launch of the platform will be in spring 2021 and the platform must be implemented within 12 weeks from signing the contract.

The scope of the procurement is described in more detail in Appendix 1 Procurement Description.

The legislation concerning the public procurement is applied to the procurement. The procurement will take place in compliance with the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts (1397/2016). The contract concerns a public service procurement that does not exceed the EU threshold value. The contract will be awarded through a "two phase" procedure described below. The "two phase" procedure does not follow the same rules as a restricted procedure exceeding the EU treshold value.

Description of the "two phase" procedure:


1) Suitability of candidates:

In the first phase of the procedure it shall be assessed whether the candidates meet the technical, professional and economic and financial requirements presented in ESPD and paragraph "other terms and conditions". The candidate's suitability shall be examined by using the information provided in the Invitation to participate and other financial statements (if separately requested). Also information available from risk rating reports may be used. Candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements set in the Invitation to participate shall be excluded from the tender competition. A candidate who has been convicted of or in which any person with powers of representation, decision making or control has been convicted of an offence as referred in act 80 of the Act on Public Contracts and Concessions (1397/2016), shall be excluded from the tender competition. If the candidate is subject to an exclusion ground as referred in the section 81 of the Act on Public Contracts and Concessions, it may be excluded from the tender competition.

2) If there are more than three suitable candidates, the candidates will be chosen to the second phase by the following criteria:

In the three required references for the candidate (in section "other terms and conditions"), it is asked whether the reference includes any or several of the options below

a) marketing program (emailing, social media channels, successful campaign of driving traffic to the site)

b) Online adjustable dashboard reports by market

c) Sales enablement functionalities (e.g. emails, campaigns, PR work)

If the candidate's reference case includes option a, b and/or c, the candidate will receive 1-3 points (1 point for option a, b and c). As three references are required, the candidate can receive maximum 9 points.

The three candidates that get most points will be accepted to phase 2.

If the situation is still even with more than three candidates, the candidates whose references include more than one international launches, will be accepted to phase 2.

If the situation is still even with more than three candidates, the candidates whose references are biggest in terms of euros, will be accepted to phase 2.


Maximum three candidates will be accepted to the second phase. Those candidates will receive the final Call for tenders -document. After the deadline for the tenders set in the Call for tenders -document, the compliance of tenders with the Call for tenders will be assessed. Then the tenders will be evaluated according to the selection criteria set in the Call for tenders. The most economically advantageous tender will be chosen. The most economically advantageous tender is the one with the best price-quality ratio. Quality will be assessed based on the visual appearance and user friendliness of the platform. It is required that the tenderer gives Business Finland test access to the platform before the procurement decision is made (in the tender comparison phase).

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
Destination e-training 765 KB
Destination e-training platform.pdf 37 KB

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