Mercell Tender Archive

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
Name Closing date
Procurement of tachograph cards 15.05.2017 12:00
Anskaffelse samspillsentreprenør Elvetangen - barneskole, idrettshall og svømmehall 11.05.2017 12:00
Anskaffelse samspillsentreprenør Nittedal Ungdomsskole 11.05.2017 12:00
ANSK-2708-17 - Hodetelfoner/UC-uttsyr for datamaskin-baserte kommunikasjonsløsninger 22.05.2017 09:00
Kjøp av asfalt og asfalttjenester 19.05.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale for organisasjonsgjennomganger av sivilsamfunnsorganisasjoner 19.05.2017 12:00
Opparbeiding av kretsløpspark på Gålåsholmen 18.05.2017 15:00
Vedlikehold, brukerstøtte og konsulentbistand til WinTid
2017/42 - Skilting av bygg og kulturminner 24.05.2017 12:00
Gjennomføring av spørreskjemaundersøkelse RNNP 2017 19.05.2017 12:00
Concession for home and community assistive services. 22.05.2017 12:00
Data and telecommunication services for trains. 17.05.2017 12:00
Avinor AS — K-186457 — A charging system for chargeable vehicles. 05.05.2017 12:00
Railway tender conference 2017, Oslo, Norway.
Health care temporary staff services. 02.05.2017 09:00
1126001 Solution for greenhouse gas calculations for Statsbygg [the Directorate of Public Construction and Property. 24.04.2017 09:00
HRO Vadsø Nursing Home and Day Centre — engineering design. 26.04.2017 12:00
Tenders for scheduled passenger transport 2018 — Hadeland and Land. 21.04.2017 12:00
Consultancy services for implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards (henceforth also referred to as SRS).
2016-KID-047 Custodian/janitor services.
Procurement of mercantile assistance services.
2016-KID-052 Framework agreement for service and maintenance of elevators.
Evaluation of Norwegian forest conservation per 2016.
Follow-up evaluation of an experimental scheme with part-composed national park and protected area boards.
Framework agreement for plumbing works 2016.
Mapping resistance to antibiotics in Norwegian nature.
Project manager the Joint Arctic Fox II Project.
Evaluation of the effect of new rules for determining snowmobile tracks.
Økosystemovervåking i store sjøer 2017-2020.
Tickets and quality inspections. 23.05.2017 12:00
River bottom mapping. 15.05.2017 12:00
Open tender competition — procurement of Robotics Process Automation (RPA). 18.05.2017 12:00
School pilot, testing and implementation. 18.05.2017 12:00
Shipping Service — Packages (0.2 kg — 35 kg). 23.05.2017 12:00
Framework agreement; bus rapid transit and other road measures. 24.05.2017 12:00
Framework agreement Air transport services. 19.05.2017 10:00
Monitoring health of Rats and mice. 18.05.2017 13:00
Framework agreement, technical assistance service for a boat. 01.06.2017 09:00
Mercantile assistance. 19.05.2017 12:00
Surveillance of waterways in 2017-2018. 15.05.2017 12:00
Framework agreement; system development. 12.05.2017 12:00
Framework agreement, the procurement of judicial services in relation to land acquisitions. 11.05.2017 12:00
Education services, Engineering studies Mo i Rana. 12.05.2017 11:59
Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration's Practice of Results-Based Management. 18.05.2017 13:00
Procurement of consultancy services — Marine Technology Research Markets Analysis. 09.05.2017 12:00
Framework agreement; Workout instructors for the exercise service for the Directorate of Public Roads. 09.05.2017 12:00
Procurement of network infrastructure (WAN). 15.05.2017 12:00
City ferry.
Framework agreement for the purchase of wood chip for local heating plants.
Framework agreement, fresh and frozen fish.
EØS 019-2017 Framework agreement; artificial grass beads. 22.05.2017 12:00
Ultrasound apparatus for Helse Bergen HF [Bergen Hospital] — Main Tender 2017-2018. 16.05.2017 12:00
Furniture and fixtures, Spetalen School. 12.05.2017 12:00
LIS 1810 Colony stimulating factors. 30.05.2017 12:00
The procurement of light buoys. 08.05.2017 12:00
Framework agreement, Tablets. 12.05.2017 12:00
17/2838 MR US fusion for the Surgical clinic. 24.05.2017 12:00
Procurement of hook vehicle for Renovasjonen IKS. 22.05.2017 15:00
Mobile telephones, portfolio administration and accompanying services. 09.05.2017 12:00
2017-07 Framework agreement for the purchase of nursery school furniture, school furniture, institution furniture, office furniture and office chairs. 23.05.2017 14:00
The purchase of gas and hire of gas cylinders. 19.05.2017 12:00
Framework agreement, IT user equipment. 12.05.2017 12:00
The New Ørnes Sheltered Accommodation Centre.
Turn key contract NTNU the Natural Science Building, renovation of roofs and facades. 16.05.2017 14:00
Newbuild and renovation of 3 public kindergartens in the Tasta area.
Åpen anbudskonkurranse - anskaffelse av Robotics Process Automation (RPA) 18.05.2017 12:00
Billett- og kvalitetskontroller 23.05.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale for superbuss og andre vegtiltak 24.05.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale fersk og frossen fisk
Rammeavtale rørleggerarbeid 2016
Rammeavtale Nettbrett 12.05.2017 12:00
Datakommunikasjon til tog 17.05.2017 12:00
Undervisningstjenester ingeniør Mo i Rana 12.05.2017 11:59
Generalentreprise NTNU Realfagbygget, rehasbilitering av tak og fasade 16.05.2017 14:00
Evaluering av effekten av nye regler for fastsetting av snøscooterløyper
Avinor AS - K-186457 - Ladeløsning for ladbare kjøretøy 05.05.2017 12:00
Konsulentbistand ifbm. implementering av statlige regnskapsstandarder (SRS)
Helsemonitorering av Rotter og mus 18.05.2017 13:00
Anskaffelse av lysbøyer 08.05.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale for kjøp av treflis til nærvarmeanlegg
Rammeavtale teknisk bistand båt 01.06.2017 09:00
Skolelos - utprøving og implementering 18.05.2017 12:00
Nye Ørnes Omsorgssenter
Utlysning av konsulenttjenester: Markedsstudie av marinteknisk forskningsinfrastruktur 09.05.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale IT Brukarutstyr 12.05.2017 12:00
Railway tender conference 2017, Oslo, Norway
Mobiltelefoner, porteføljeforvaltning og tilhørende tjenester 09.05.2017 12:00
2016-KID-052 Rammeavtale service og vedlikehold av heis
Kartlegging av antibiotikaresistens i norsk natur
Konsesjon for miljøtjenester 22.05.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale Flyreiser 19.05.2017 10:00

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