Mercell Tender Archive

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Name Closing date
Rådgiving innenfor samferdsel, areal og transportplanlegging til Telemark Fylkeskommune- rammeavtale: 14.03.2017 10:00
Ultra Rask Spinne Utstyr (Ultra Rapid Quenching Equipment) 28.02.2017 12:00
Konsept studie CO2 skipstransport 21.03.2017 12:00
Miljøovervåking av konsekvensen av klimaendringene på fredete bygninger 10.03.2017 12:00
Souvenirer for videresalg ved Kulturhistorisk museum 13.03.2017 12:00
AV-rådgivning 09.03.2017 12:00
Overvåking av miljøgifter i ferskvann 31.03.2017 12:00
Elveovervåkingsprogrammet (1) 20.03.2017 12:00
Kontor og lager/Industribygg 13.03.2017 12:00
SK0503 Sydskogen barneskole 27.02.2017 14:00
Anskaffelse av sekker og poser til renovasjonsordningen 13.03.2017 12:00
Anskaffelse 136/2016 Koagulant 08.03.2017 12:00
K-185054 Vintervedlikehold landside Oslo Lufthavn 06.03.2017 12:00
Renholdstjenester 08.03.2017 12:00
Dialogkonferanse - utbygging av bredbåndsnett i Leka, Nærøy og Vikna kommune
Geodataarbeid i Porsgrunn Larvik kommune i Vestfold fylke
Helse- og omsorgstjenester jf. helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven § 3-2, første ledd nr. 6
Fv. 60 Ugla-Skarstein - Vangbergstunnelen – Elektroinstallasjonar 17.03.2017 12:00
Utvidelse av bryggeanlegg på Østre Bolæren
2017/221 Veiledende kunngjøring - Anskaffelse av CT til St. Olavs Hospital HF
LCMS 20.03.2017 12:00
2017/611 - Intranett og internettløsning for Hedmark fylkeskommune 13.03.2017 14:00
Pukk og grus til Tromsø kommune. 10.03.2017 12:00
Militære Vannkanne Containere
Leige eller kjøp av serviceareal for helse- og omsorgstenester
MA2975/16N - Bedriftshelsetjenester 17.02.2017 12:00
Åpen tilbudskonkurranse på digitale TV-signal til Trondheim kommune 10.03.2017 12:00
Skifte takstein/undertak Vestfossen Stasjon, 30.03.2017 12:00
Takreparasjon med tilhørende arbeide på Tyristrand Stasjon 29.03.2017 12:00
216416 Stigebil - Brannvesenet i Østre Toten kommune 24.02.2017 12:00
Procurement of a new operations system, Advanced Distribution Managment System, ADMS.
Kobkroken Transformer Station — Construction works. 20.02.2017 12:00
Delivery and installation of pipe systems for the New Vågen sewage pump station. 06.03.2017 12:00
Framework agreement — Assistance with travelling for arrivals and returns to Oslo Airport. 13.03.2017 12:00
Intention notice for a contract with Eiendomsverdi for property valuation services.
Framework agreement risk analyses. 06.03.2017 12:00
Feasibility study and development plan for Teknologiparken.
Development of a e-Learning course for managers in the government.
Procurement of project school and project support.
Framework agreement for the procurement of architect services.
1031802 Construction work RRA Construction management H001.
A request for financing and a main bank connection for Lofotkraft Holding AS.
International comparison of financing industrial research and development.
Inspections and valuations of all properties, including plants and factories in Skien municipality.
Framework agreement for Electrician Services.
Procurement of an engineering design group for a New nursing home with a dementia village. 06.03.2017 12:00
Geodata work in Vinje, Seljord, Tokke in Telemark 2017. 10.03.2017 12:00
EEA 005-2017 Dynamic purchasing system — passenger transport to schools in Bergen municipality. 07.03.2017 12:00
Framework agreement web development Episerver. 03.03.2017 12:00
Framework agreement, analysis services products. 09.03.2017 14:00
Framework agreement for the delivery of consultancy services for archival challenges. 02.03.2017 12:00
Framework agreement system integrator control plant. 01.03.2017 13:00
Geodata work in Notodden Hjartdal in Telemark 2017. 09.03.2017 12:00
36-BYM-2016 Operation and maintenance of the road network for area north in the period 2017 — 2021. 29.03.2017 15:00
Technical consultancy. 21.03.2017 12:00
Framework agreement for rent evaluations and valuation services.
Food product tender Askim municipality.
Procurement of an automatic crossbreeding machine for FISH.
Equipment for measuring heart and lung function, and associated software.
Consumables for the educational programme Technics and Industrial Production (TIP). 20.03.2017 12:00
PCs (desktop and laptop) and accessories. 13.03.2017 10:00
17/729 — Procurement of cleaning articles, paper and plastic. 20.03.2017 12:00
Asphalt for Tromsø municipality. 06.03.2017 12:00
Framework agreement for a network, server and security products for OFA.
Market dialogue AutoPASS National core system.
E2017 RH KLM Department for Medical Biochemistry Gas Chromatograph GC-MS.
Usługi w zakresie napraw i konserwacji i podobne usługi osprzętu dróg i innego sprzętu 27.02.2017 12:00
Improvement and maintenance/investment measures Hedmark 2017 — Mid 1. 22.02.2017 12:00
Improvement and maintenance/investment measures Hedmark 2017 — Mid 2. 17.02.2017 12:00
Improvement and maintenance/investment initiatives Hedmark 2017 — South 2. 17.02.2017 12:00
Improvement and maintenance/investment measures Hedmark 2017 — South 1. 27.02.2017 12:00
E134 Damåsen — Saggrenda lot 30 Trollerudmoen — Saggrenda.
County road 710 Brekstad — Krinsvatnet. 27.03.2017 12:00
OREA — Electro contract, EE01. 06.03.2017 12:00
Dialogue conference for the New Nordmøre og Romsdal Hospital (SNR).
Flytende karbondioksid 06.03.2017 12:00
Rehabilitering av Fustad bru på NB, km 417,170 10.03.2017 15:00
Rammeavtale elektrotjenester 27.02.2017 12:00
Brandbu ungdomsskole AV-utstyr 06.03.2017 12:00
Rehabilitering av Gåsvær kai 31.03.2017 12:00
Kunstfaglig konsulent 24.02.2017 12:00
Høring vedrørende ny rammeavtale for konsulenttjenester
E04 Maskin Solbjøra VBA 08.03.2017 14:00
Nye teknologiske trender og betydningen for mobilitet 28.02.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale entreprenørtjenester ved Løkken Verk - Dirmin 06.03.2017 23:59
Metastudie av etterspørselsfleksibilitet og energilagring

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