Hankinta: Hyperspectral camera for microscopy

Informacija apie pirkimą

2016-07-08 12:06 (GMT+03:00)
2016-07-22 16:00 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Oulun yliopisto Oulun yliopisto
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1 / PL 8000

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    Kansallinen hankintailmoitus:
Oulun yliopisto : Hyperspectral camera for microscopy
08.07.2016 10:48
Ilmoituksen numero HILMA:ssa: 2016-018261
Tarjoukset 22.7.2016 klo 16.00 mennessä osoitteeseen:
Hankintayksikön yhteystiedot
Hankintayksikön yhteystiedot
Hankintayksikkö Oulun yliopisto
Postiosoite Pentti Kaiteran katu 1 / PL 8000
Postinumero 90014
Postitoimipaikka OULUN YLIOPISTO
Puhelin +358443131126

Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä

Muu osoite:

Internet-osoite (URL) https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/oulunyliopisto/?id=64789&tpk=be2920d0-06fb-475c-ae58-de96f9229c6e

Hankintayksikön luonne Muu: Institution subject to public legislation

Hankintalaji Tavarat

Hankinnan kohde
Hankinnan nimi Hyperspectral camera for microscopy
Hankinnan tunniste- tai viitenumero 64789
Hankinnan kuvaus

Description of the system The hyperspectral microscopic imaging system will be part of the Light Microscopy Core Facility of the Biocenter Oulu, where it will be used for life science imaging. The core facility has an open access policy and instrumentation and software should be easy to use and meet the requirements of users from different research areas. The main application for the instrument is the microscopic analysis of tissue sections and cell cultures. Size of hyperspectral camera, it’s optical configurations and interfaces have to be designed so that the camera can be easily mounted to a standard C-mount on a microscope body. The camera has to be suitable for imaging the samples without XY- movement with a non-motorized microscope; therefore image acquisition has to be a frame-based allowing spectral cube snapshot images. Line cameras cannot be accepted. Capability for software controlled and automated fast, high resolution and time-lapse imaging in combination with large scanning areas and volumes is also essential. As living samples in microcopy are often sensitive and signals weak, it is important that the signal detection is sensitive and signal to noise ratio is high, and the instrument allows low phototoxicity imaging. Tender should contain a complete fully operational system including camera and operating software. Details are listed in the Appendix 1.

NOTE! Additional information on the notice is in the Tarjouspalvelu.fi supplier portal. Tenders/applications for participation are also sent using this system. You will find a direct link to additional information on the notice from this Hilma notice.

Hankinnan ennakoitu arvo (ilman ALV) Hankinta ylittää hankintalain 15 §:n kynnysarvon.
Yhteinen hankintanimikkeistö (CPV): Pääkohde Laboratoriolaitteet, optiset ja tarkkuuslaitteet (lukuun ottamatta silmälaseja). (38000000-5)
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Ehdokkaiden tai tarjoajien soveltuvuutta koskevat vaatimukset

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Tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset on toimitettava hankintayksikölle viimeistään 22.7.2016 16.00




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