Container service and storage - Renovasjonsselskapet for Drammensregionen IKS


03 - Contract award notice
Offenes Verfahren
22.12.2018 10:00 (GMT+01:00)


Multiconsult Norge AS Multiconsult Norge AS
Jørgen Saxegaard
Plogveien 1, Postboks 91
NO-0679 Oslo

Assignment text

Renovasjonsselskapet for Drammensregionen (RfD) is an inter-municipal company owned by nine municipalities: Drammen, Hurum, Lier, Modum, Nedre Eiker, Røyken, Sande, Svelvik and Øvre Eiker. RfD sees to waste collection from approx. 85 000 households and 5 000 cabins in the region. The aim of this procurement is to enter into a contract with a tenderer for the delivery of the following services: Part 1: Container service. The tenderer must set out, collect, exchange and repair containers and other collection equipment, as well as other adjacent services. Part 2: Storage. The tenderer must have a store and workshop for containers and other collection equipment. General reference is made to the description of the assignment in the tender documentation.

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