Microsoft OVS.


Offenes Verfahren
22.09.2017 09:23 (GMT+02:00)
28.10.2017 12:00


Samediggi/Sametinget Samediggi/Sametinget
John Klemetsen Engstad John Klemetsen Engstad
Avjovargeaidnu 50
9730 Karasjok
974 760 347

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Sametinget [the Sami Parliament of Norway] has a 3 year agreement with Microsoft. The agreement is extended on a regular basis and we need a negotiator to handle this. We want to enter into an agreement for license processing at the Sami Parliament of Norway. We currently have licenses for MS Windows server and client, MIS Office, MS Remote Desktop Services, MS Exchange, Skype for Business etc.

Mercell Germany

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