Bus services between Sarpsborg and Moss in Østfold.


Simplified procurement
14.07.2017 11:18 (GMT+02:00)


Østfold fylkeskommune Østfold fylkeskommune
Østfold kollektivtrafikk Østfold kollektivtrafikk
Kjetil Gaulen Kjetil Gaulen
Postboks 220
1702 Sarpsborg
842 952 972

Assignment text

Østfold fylkeskommune 842 952 972 Postboks 220 Sarpsborg 1702 Kjetil Gaulen +47 69117138 kjegau@ostfoldfk.no www.ostfold-kollektiv.no https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Company/CompanyInformation/Index/2646 Bus services between Sarpsborg and Moss in Østfold. 2012/4049 This notice is for a continuation of the local bus route between Sarpsborg and Moss, which is currently operated by Nettbuss Travel AS, as a part of the express bus offer with TIMEkspressen Line 3 between Sarpsborg and Oslo. The contract has an estimated annual value of approx. 3 500 000 NOK based on historical figures for payment and sales revenue. 19250000.00 19250000.00 Østfold. Nettbuss Travel AS has established an express bus offer with TIMEkspressen Line 3 between Sarpsborg and Oslo. The route makes up a significant part of the local offer on the stretch and contributes to reaching political transport aims for the county. Østfold county signed a contract in 2014 on fare compensation for local journeys so that the county's prices and discount schemes also apply for journeys with the express bus. The current offer comprises 15 departures on weekdays and 7 on Saturdays and Sundays, giving approx. 400 000 km per annum. In order to achieve the aim of increased availability in the districts and between the towns in Østfold, the express buses will continue to have an important role in Østfold. The route provides a service for stretches and areas that do not have much other public transport. Furthermore, the express bus route is an important political environment measure, with the aim that as many people as possible use public transport instead of less environmentally friendly means of transport. Further information on the route is available at: http://www.nettbuss.no/rutetilbud/ekspressbuss/timekspressen/te3-sarpsborg--moss--oslo 2018-01-01 2020-06-30 Option for extending the contract for further 1+1+1 extension (a total contract period of up to 5.5 years). The contract includes service concession contracts that are not included in the Public Procurement Regulations. The Contract has been entered into in accordance with the regulations stated in the Public Transport Scheme A voluntary ex ante transparency notice was published during the winter 2016/17 regarding a contract award. 2017/S 084-164876 Local transport services for the section Sarpsborg-Moss 2017-05-16 1 1 Nettbuss Travel AS Postboks 1800 Oslo 0048 19250000.00 19250000.00 7975000.00 11275000.00 2017-07-12

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:273570-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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