Preparatory Tender Survey in relation to procurement of ERTMS Onboard system.


15.04.2016 09:32 (GMT+02:00)


Jernbaneverket (The Norwegian National Rail Administration) Jernbaneverket (The Norwegian National Rail Administration)
Alexander Aronsen
Stortorvet 7
0155 Oslo
971 033 533

Short description

Preparatory Surveys, also called early surveys or pre-surveys, has been requested from Onboard system suppliers. The stated reason is that the supplier would like to start preparing the engineering as soon as possible. For JBV and for the rolling vehicle owners, the purpose is to better understand the scope of their deliveries to the main tender surveys.

Please note; participation in preparatory vehicle surveys will not be a precondition to participate in the ongoing prequalification process, and inspected vehicle classes will be made accessible also during the main tender survey.

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