Framework Agreement for Office Furniture for the Norwegian Correctional Services


02 - Contract notice
Offenes Verfahren
02.02.2021 09:44 (GMT+01:00)
01.03.2021 12:00


Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet
Trond Hansen Trond Hansen
Solheimsgata 21
2000 Skedsmo

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The contract will also apply for all of the Norwegian Correctional Service's units that need to replace or renew office furniture. The annual turnover is uncertain, as the Norwegian Correctional Service is facing major changes. The estimated total value for a 4-year contract is NOK 16 million. The extent is only an estimate and is not binding for the Norwegian Correctional Services. The need will vary from year to year.

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