ERP-system — Continuation of Contracts after the Municipality Merger


15 - Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
14.06.2019 09:55 (GMT+02:00)


Hammerfest kommune Hammerfest kommune
Tom Christian Robertsen Tom Christian Robertsen
Rådhuspl. 1
9616 Hammerfest
964 830 533

Assignment text

Hammerfest and Kvalsund kommuner [municipalities] will merge to become one municipality. The new municipality will be called Hammerfest kommune [municipality]. Both of the municipalities have previously procured the ERP system from Visma Unique AS. The Contracting Authority considered it to be appropriate to continue the contract with Visma Unique AS in a combined contract that comes into effect from 1.1.2020 in the new municipality. The contract has a value of 1 500 000 NOK per year. Any appeals to the contract formation should be sent to by 19.6.2019, 12:00.

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