Maintenance and operation of a wage and personnel system.


Tildeling af kontrakt uden forudgående offentliggørelse af en udbudsbekendtgørelse i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende
12-06-2015 09:37 (GMT+02:00)


Helse Nord RHF Helse Nord RHF
Rune Sætermo Rune Sætermo
Sjøgata 10
8038 Bodø


Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: 1
Lot No: 1
Lot title
Maintenance and operation of a wage and personnel system
V.1) Date of contract award decision
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Bluegarden AS
Kirkegata 25
V.4) Information on value of contract
Initial estimated total value of the contract NOK
Value: Currency: 50 000 000
Excluding VAT
V.5) Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: yes: Value or proportion of the contract likely to be sub-contracted to third parties
Proportion: 0,05
Short description of the value/proportion of the contract to be sub-contracted
Software for recruitment and software for competence management from Webcruiter and Dossier.

Mercell A/S

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