US KLM microbiology, analysing instrument


Open procedure
1/26/2018 9:20 AM (GMT+01:00)
3/5/2018 12:00 PM


Oslo universitetssykehus HF Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Lars Narvhus
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo
993 467 049

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Oslo University Hospital invites to a tender contest for the procurement of instruments with accompanying reagents for reagents for HIV-1 RNA quantifying, HCV RNA quantifying and HBV DNA quantifying the Department for Microbiology, the Unit for Molecular diagnostics and virology, OUS Ullevål.

The Microbiology Department, OUS, is a national reference centre for HIV diagnostics and it carries out approx. 80 % of the analyses for HIV-1 RNA quantification nationwide. Samples are primarily received from Helse Sør-Øst, but samples are also received from other parts of the country.

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