Framework contracts for the supply of e-books (lot 1) and of books, yearbooks, updates and monographic series (lot 2).


Open procedure
12/30/2016 9:05 AM (GMT+01:00)
3/1/2017 3:00 PM


European Commission (lead contracting authority) European Commission (lead contracting authority)
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture — Library and e-resources
VM-18 1/12
1049 Brussels

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Lot 1: supply to the contracting authority (single orders) of electronic books and packages of electronic books with and without demand-driven acquisition model.

Lot 2: supply to the contracting authority of the following items published in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Croatia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and Switzerland: books in paper format (single orders), yearbooks, updates and monographic series in paper or electronic format (standing orders), and exceptionally e-books (as single orders).

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