Chemical Warfare Agent Dectection paper.


Open procedure
12/15/2016 9:17 AM (GMT+01:00)


Försvarets Materielverk Försvarets Materielverk
Viktoria Blind
Försvarets materielverk
11588 Stockholm

Assignment text

Försvarets Materielverk 202100-0340 Stockholm 11588 Viktoria Blind Chemical Warfare Agent Dectection paper. 399170-AI904656 This procurement concerns Framework Agreement for Detection Paper. The Detection paper shall detect chemical warfare agent types: Nerv agent type Sarin, Nerv agent type VX and Mustard gas. The Swedish Armed Forces are today using a detection paper which is a part of the personal equipment to detect chemical and warfare agents. The equipment is preferably in the SAF but also in other authorities. All personal in Swedish Armed Forces and Home Guard is assigned with the detection paper. The detection paper is a pillar in detection of chemical warfare agent and is carried by all soldiers in order to be able to easily detect an event of a chemical warfare agent attack. 2016-12-12 2016/S 235-428255 II.2.5) Award criteria Price Cost criterion IV.2.9) Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice The contracting authority will not award any further contracts based on the above prior information notice No tenders were received during the publication period ( 26.8.2016 - 31.10.2016). Further procurement will therefore be conducted through negotiated procedure without prior publication according to the Swedish Public Procurement Act (2007:1091) chapter 4 section 5

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