Pharmaceutical products


Open procedure
11/5/2014 4:16 AM (GMT+01:00)


Amgros I/S Amgros I/S
Flemming Sonne Flemming Sonne
Dampfærgevej 22
2100 København Ø

Assignment text

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 1

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Boehringer Ingelheim Danmark A/S, Strødamvej 52, 2100 København Ø, DENMARK

Contract No: 2

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Bayer A/S, Arne Jacobsens Allé 13, 6. 2300 København S, DENMARK

Contract No: 3

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum A/S, Wilders Plads 5, 1403 København K, DENMARK

Contract No: 4

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Nordic InfuCare, Lautruphøj 1-3, 2750 Ballerup, DENMARK

Contract No: 5

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Paranova Danmark A/S, Marielundvej 46D, 2730 Herlev, DENMARK

Contract No: 6

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

GlaxoSmithKline Pharma A/S, Nykær 68, 2605 Brøndby, DENMARK

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