Winter Maintenance of Municipal Roads in Kiberg, Svartnes and Smelror in Vardø Municipality, 2020-2025


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
1/12/2021 9:56 AM (GMT+01:00)


Vardø Kommune Vardø Kommune
Alonza Garbett
Postboks 292
9950 Vardø

Assignment text

Vardø municipality invites to an open tender for winter maintenance of municipal roads and places. The contract includes winter maintenance of municipal roads where the municipality is responsible for winter maintenance, as well as the associated pavements foot/cycle paths and municipal public areas. The road network in Vardø municipality applies to Kiberg, Svartnes and Smelror.The road network consists of approx. 6.7 km of roads. The contract includes the roads and places not included in the municipality's operations.

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