Transport, Receipt and Treatment of Waste for Esval Miljøpark kf in Nes Municipality


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
1/12/2021 9:56 AM (GMT+01:00)


Øvre Romerike Innkjøpssamarbeid Øvre Romerike Innkjøpssamarbeid
Tove Haarberg
Furusetgt 12
2050 Jessheim

Assignment text

Esval Miljøpark KF would like tenders for the transport, receipt and treatment of six fractions of waste from the recycling station in the municipality. The municipality has one recycling station. The fractions are; mixed wood, impregnated wood, plaster, mixed metal, rock wool/insulation, and unsorted residual waste. ØRIK invites tenderers to an open tender contest for the transport, receipt and treatment of 6 waste fractions from the inhabitants in Nes municipality.

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