Stationary radio stations

Hankinnan yleistiedot

26.3.2018 10.07 (GMT+03:00)
4.4.2018 12.00 (GMT+03:00)


Eesti Raudtee AS Eesti Raudtee AS
Madis Kõpper Madis Kõpper
Toompuiestee 35
15073 Tallinn

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

Stationary radio stations
Type of procurement procedure: Small procedure of network

1.Procurement Authority makes a proposal to submit tenders pursuant to the conditions presented in the contract notice (hereinafter CN) and other procurement documents (hereinafter PD).

2.General information
2.1.Object of procurement: Estonian Railways Ltd is buying stationary radio stations to be placed in boarder crossing point.
2.2.The object of the procurement has been described/technical specification provided in PD Annex 1
2.3.Delivery of goods is 90 days as of awarding the contract.
2.4.Delivery terms: DDP (Incoterms 2016) Tehnika 16E
2.5.Alternative tenders are not permitted.
2.6. The procurement contract(s) is/are awarded on the terms and conditions set out in PD Annex 2 and 2.1 with the successful tenderer.

3.Submitting and opening of tenders
3.1.The place for the submission of tenders: Via Mercell procurement environment
3.2.Place and time of opening the tenders: since this is an e-procurement procedure, the tenders are opened via Mercell procurement environment and no opening session is organised at the procurement authority’s office.

4.Requirements to the tender
4.1.The tender shall be prepared in the Estonian, Russian or English language. If the tender contains documents, the language of which differs from the language in which the tender is submitted, the tender shall include the translation into Estonian, Russian or English language.
4.2.The tender must be valid for at least 3 months from the closing date for the submission of tenders.
4.3.The value of the tender must be expressed in the Mercell procurement environment form without VAT.
4.4.When submitting the tender via Mercell procurement environment, please note that the files must be in well-known formats (.txt, .doc, .rtf., pdf, .xls).
4.5.The tender price shall be given in euros.
4.6.The tender shall be signed by the legal representative of the tenderer or its authorised person.
4.7.Any expenses related to the preparation and submission of a tender shall be borne by the tenderer.
4.8.The signed tender shall be final and may not contain corrections or additions.
4.9.The tender may not include documents or various printed matters that are irrelevant to the procurement.
4.10.The tender shall be submitted via Mercell procurement environment.
4.11.If there is a difference between the unit price and the total amount of the value of tender, calculated by multiplying the unit price by the quantity, the unit price shall be deemed correct.
4.12.If an interested person discovers mistakes in the PD or CN or something remains unclear, they shall be entitled to contact the contracting authority to obtain explanations via Mercell procurement environment, whereas the contracting authority shall answer via Mercell procurement environment and the questions/answers shall be visible to all persons registered with the procurement.

5.Structure of the tender

5.1.A power of attorney for signing the documents on the form of PD Annex 3 (if applicable)
5.2.Letter of confirmation on the form of PD Annex 4.
5.3.The tenderer shall submit a letter of guarantee of the manufacturer, in which the manufacturer guarantees the delivery of materials corresponding to the conditions provided in PD Annex 1.
5.4.Request to participate in the procurement procedure on the form of PD Annex 5

6.Declaration on the suitability of or rejection of tenders

6.1. The contracting authority may declare a tender as suitable if it does not contain any substantive deviations from the terms and conditions specified in the CN or PD and the annexes thereto.
6.2.The contracting authority shall not accept tenders and/or components of the qualification conditions with the value of 0.00% / EUR 0.000 and/or with a negative value. Upon submitting indicators with a negative value, the tender shall be deemed unsuitable and shall be rejected.
6.3.The contracting authority shall reject a tender, if the tender does not correspond to the conditions established in the CN or PD and its annexes.
6.4.The contracting authority may reject all tenders in the following cases:
6.4.1.the values of all submitted tenders exceed the funds planned by the contracting authority for it;
6.4.2.the tenderer who submitted a successful tender refuses to enter into the contract and the values of other tenders exceed the funds planned for it by the Contracting Authority;
6.4.3.the contracting authority has learnt during the procurement procedure about details, which preclude or render it impractical for the contracting authority to complete the procurement procedure on conditions established in the PD or awarding a public contract on the prescribed conditions and on conditions ascertained during the procurement procedure would no longer correspond to the previous needs or expectations of the contracting authority due to changed circumstances;
6.4.4.the need for carrying out the procurement ceased to exist for a reason, which does not depend on the contracting authority, which depends on or arises from the changes in legislation, administrative acts or activities of superior bodies or changes in the development plan or directions in the economic activity by the supervisory board of AS Eesti Raudtee;
6.4.5.if only one tender is submitted;
6.4.6.if after qualifying and/or declaring suitability, only one tender is left to be assessed;
6.5.A notice on rejecting all tenders shall be issued to all tenderers without delay, however no later than within three working days as of making the decision.
6.6.For a procurement divided into lots, each lot shall be treated as a separate procurement and if the estimated value is exceeded, the tender may be rejected separately for each lot.

7.Negotiations and determining the successful tender
7.1.The contracting authority shall have the right to hold negotiations with the tenderers by notifying the tenderers of the time and terms of holding the negotiations. Negotiations may be held after the tenders have been submitted. The need for negotiations shall be determined by the contracting authority.
7.2.The contracting authority retains the right to negotiate the draft procurement contract, value and terms.
7.3.Minutes shall be taken of the negotiations and the agreements arrived at during the negotiations shall be binding in the performance of the contract.
7.4.A tender with the lowest price shall be deemed successful.
7.5.The basis for choosing the successful tender shall be the lowest price in euros without value added tax. If there is more than one tender where the lowest price is equal, the successful tender shall be ascertained by the drawing of lots. For this:
7.5.1.The persons who made equal tenders shall be invited to the office of the contracting authority at the same time (a meeting for the drawing of lots is arranged).
7.5.2.The names of the tenderers are written on small pieces of paper, folded together and placed into opaque capsules with a uniform appearance.
7.5.3.The capsules shall be mixed, to ensure that there is no possibility to ascertain, whose name is in which capsule.
7.5.4.An employee of the procurement department shall raffle the successful tenderer from the capsules.
7.5.5.Minutes shall be taken in the drawing of lots, to be signed by all participants.
7.5.6.If the tenderer, who was invited to the drawing of lots, fails to appear at the agreed/determined time, their activity is deemed to be a waiver in favour of the other tenderer.
The participants shall accept the outcome of the drawing of lots and it shall not be subject to dispute.

8.Annexes to the procurement documents
8.1.Annex 1 – Technical specifications
8.2.Annex 2 – Procurement contract special conditions
8.3.Annex 2.1 – Procurement contract basis conditions
8.4.Annex 3 – A power of attorney
8.5.Annex 4 – Letter of confirmation
8.6.Annex 5 – Request to participate in the procurement procedure


Tiedosto Koko
PD Annex 1 - Hange piirijaamade Narva.docx 14 KB
PD Annex 2 - Inglise_keeles_Müügilepingu_üldtingimused.pdf 184 KB
PD Annex 2.1 - Inglise_keeles_Müügilepingu_eritingimused.doc 59 KB
PD Annex 3 - Pakkujat esindava isiku volikiri-eng.docx 13 KB
PD Annex 4 - Kinnituskirja vorm-EN.docx 36 KB
PD Annex 5 - Hankemenetlusel osalemise avaldus-EN.docx 18 KB

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