Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Capacity for Airbus H145 — Dry Lease Crew Training

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus (2)
Avoin menettely
30.7.2021 12.52 (GMT+03:00)
31.8.2021 12.00 (GMT+03:00)


FinnHEMS Lentopalvelut Oy FinnHEMS Lentopalvelut Oy
Ari Pellinen Ari Pellinen
Lentäjäntie 3
01530 Vantaa

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

FinnHEMS Oy is 100 % owned by the State of Finland. FinnHEMS is a non-profit organisation for providing the Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (‘HEMS’), helicopter bases and related infrastructure as well as processes for the University Hospital Districts. This RFQ is made behalf of FinnHEMS Lentopalvelut Oy (later referred as ‘FinnHEMS’) which is subsidiary of FinnHEMS Oy and 100 % owned by FinnHEMS Oy. FinnHEMS is setting this RFQ for acquiring hourly capacity at FSTD owners' premises for its crew training purposes (Dry Lease). The required FSTD type in details: Lot 1: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certified level D full-flight simulator (FFS) H145 with minimum STEP 2 Helionix. The simulator shall be NVIS certified and compatible for NVG Operations; Lot 2: Level D FFS H145 (Lot 1) without motion and therefore used as EASA-FSTD H145 FNPT II/MCC/FTD-3 (FTD) with lower cost compared to FFS. The tenderer can offer Lot 1 and Lot 2 or only Lot 1. Separate offer only for Lot 2 is not allowed. As an option FinnHEMS reserves the right to request creation of HEMS sites in addition to the mandatory HEMS sites in the FSTD. FinnHEMS requests the price for such an option. This price do not effect to the contract award process. FinnHEMS reserves the right to reserve approximately 80 % for Lot 2 on estimated yearly total hours, and/or 20 % - 100 % for Lot 1 depending on availability of such simulators. The yearly estimate (12 months period) of needed FSTD hours is 612 with the current fleet and training programs, however, two new bases are planned for the agreement period that might increase the hourly volume. In the case tenderer offers only Lot 1 comparison price shall be calculated based on the 612 FFS hours and FinnHEMS price calculation principle described in this RFQ. In the case tenderer offers Lot 1 and Lot 2 comparison price shall be calculated based on 122 hours of FFS, 490 hours of FTD and FinnHEMS price calculation principle described in this RFQ. Only one service provider shall be awarded for contract.


Tiedosto Koko
Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) capacity for Airbus H145 - Dry Lease crew training.zip 1,22 MB
Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) capacity for Airbus H145 - Dry Lease crew training.pdf 460 KB

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