Automated pipetting equipment.

Информация о тендерe

Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
14.11.2017 9:17 (GMT+01:00)

Информация о покупателе

Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo
Petter Ruden Petter Ruden
Postboks 1087 Blindern
0317 Oslo
971 035 854

Assignment text

Universitetet i Oslo 971 035 854 Postboks 1087 Blindern Oslo 0317 Petter Ruden +47 90647936 Automated pipetting equipment. ANSK-0547-17 The procurement of automated pipetting equipment with low pipetting volume. The objective of the procurement is to increase the quality and efficiency of NSC's services by automated sample preparation, and reduce the costs for the created DNA/RNA libraries. The current established protocols are either based on manual labour or automated protocols from traditional pipetting robots with a NGS (Next-generation sequencing) portfolio. The costs related to creating libraries with the established methods/suppliers mentioned below are disproportionate in relation to the development of the actual sequencing price. NSC will therefore procure equipment that can reduce the costs for creating libraries. We wish this to be done by reducing the volume of reagents, i.e. a down-scaling of the actual reaction volume. This shall be done by using automated pipetting equipment that complies with the following specification requirements. See the complete description in the annex. 125000.00 The procurement of automated pipetting equipment with low pipetting volume. The objective of the procurement is to increase the quality and efficiency of NSC's services by automated sample preparation, and reduce the costs for the created DNA/RNA libraries. The current established protocols are either based on manual labour or automated protocols from traditional pipetting robots with a NGS (Next-generation sequencing) portfolio. The costs related to creating libraries with the established methods/suppliers mentioned below are disproportionate in relation to the development of the actual sequencing price. NSC will therefore procure equipment that can reduce the costs for creating libraries. We wish this to be done by reducing the volume of reagents, i.e. a down-scaling of the actual reaction volume. This shall be done by using automated pipetting equipment that complies with the following specification requirements. See the complete description in the annex. The University of Oslo (UiO) has chosen to make a procurement without a competition, in accordance with the public procurement regulations (FOA), pursuant to § 13-4, letter b, sub-point 2, which states that a procurement can be made without a competition if the service, due to technical reasons, can only be provided by a specific supplier. UiO has investigated the marked thoroughly and concluded that only one supplier can comply with the requirements (see annex) within our budget limits. If there are any objections stating that an ordinary announced competition should have been held, there will be substantive discussions. Enquiries must be made within 10 days of the notice date. ANSK-0547-17 Automated pipetting equipment for low pipetting volume 2017-11-09 TTP Labtech Ltd Melbourn Science Park Herts SG8 6EE 125000.00 Universitetet i Oslo Oslo 2017-11-10

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