Strategic partnership for Digital communications.


Öppet förfarande
2017-08-23 09:15 (GMT+02:00)
2017-09-27 13:00


Aalto University Foundation sr Aalto University Foundation sr
Emma Kaukonen Emma Kaukonen
PL 11000, Aalto
00076 Espoo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Aalto University is seeking a partner for strategic digital communications. As a creative agency, you are expected to support Aalto University, more specifically the digital communications team with the refining of, and the implementation of, Aalto University's channel and content strategy, which will form a ‘digital playbook’. In addition, you will support Aalto University with digital campaigns, content and other digital assets and services. You will also support the digital communications team with the defining of KPI's to track and report in order to measure the success of the digital playbook.

The partner will also take a hands-on-roll in the implementation of the digital playbook in the form of a renewed, both in the form of definitions, design and specifications for implementation. The digital partner is not expected to perform the actual technical work themselves, but rather to subcontract this to a more suitable partner if necessary.

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