AI4Cities — AI Accelerating Cities Transition to Carbon Neutrality


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2021-06-04 09:42 (GMT+02:00)


Forum Virium Helsinki Ltd Forum Virium Helsinki Ltd
Kaisa Sibelius Kaisa Sibelius
Unioninkatu 24
00130 Helsinki


AI4Cities is a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D services to support cities' transition to carbon neutrality, by applying the use of AI and related technologies to reduce the Cities GHG emissions. The commonly identified procurement need shared by all procurers in the Buyers Group is for solutions that support Cities transition to carbon neutrality via AI and related enabling digital technologies. Based on this, two domains linked to the Cities’ strategies and carbon-positive goals have been identified, which are mobility and energy. They form the two lots of the Pre-Commercial Procurement action, referred to as Lots: Lot 1 – Smart Mobility and Lot 2 – Smart Energy.

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