
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Nytt Innbygda renseanlegg
Rammeavtale for kjøp av lås og beslag
Leinbakken bru 13.03.2017 12.00
2017/16 - Stoffkartoteksystem til Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune 24.02.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale for drift og vedlikehold av gatelys 2017 - 31.12.2018 med opsjon 1 + 1 år 10.03.2017 12.00
Containerhold, transport og mottak/behandling av restavfall (grovavfall) fra våre gjenvinningsstasjoner
Rammeavtale eiendomsmeglertjenester- boligeiendom
Kjøp av traktor med frontlaster
Anskaffelse av oppmålingstjenester 24.02.2017 12.00
Digitalisering av papirbaserte eiendomsarkiver
Granskning av forhold knyttet til varslinger angående påstander om trakassering og mobbing i RTD, regulering og teknisk drift
Uavhengig kontrollerende foretak bygg og anlegg
Evaluering av Garantiinstituttet for eksportkreditt (GIEK) og Eksportkreditt Norge 13.03.2017 12.00
Legemidler og apotekvarer, rammeavtale 24.02.2017 12.00
Parallelle rammeavtaler prosjekteringsgrupper 08.03.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale Tømrerarbeider 24.02.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Drammen kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Flesberg kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Hol kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Hurum kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Kongsberg kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Lier kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Nedre Eiker kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Nes kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Rollag kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Røyken kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Spesialskyss Øvre Eiker kommune 14.03.2017 12.00
Marienlyst skole - nybygg (1)
Leasing av tjenestebiler til Sørreisa kommune
Framework agreement technical and practical assistance with Norad's events. 24.02.2017 12.00
Framework agreement for engineering design services and consultancy services for sports, urban areas, parts and recreational area projects. 03.03.2017 12.00
Plumbing services — replacing water meters.
Framework agreement; property estate agency services — residential properties.
Framework agreement, estate agent services — commercial properties.
Container administration, transport and disposal/treatment of residual waste (bulky waste) from the contracting authority's recycling stations.
Investigation of conditions related to notifications regarding allegations of harassment and bullying in RTD, Regulation and Technical operations.
Independent controlling company, building and construction works.
Digitalisation of paper based property archives.
Travel agency services.
Framework agreement for the purchase of joinery works.
Evaluation of The Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (GIEK) and Eksportkreditt Norge. 13.03.2017 12.00
Grinding sorted bulky waste and compressing it into balls. 06.03.2017 12.00
2017/34 — Consulting Assignment and Consultancy Services. 03.03.2017 12.00
Country Evaluation Briefs. 24.02.2017 13.00
Procurement of surveying services. 24.02.2017 12.00
Consulting agreement — Market analyses of NGL. 02.03.2017 13.00
General maintenance of buildings and outside areas. 02.03.2017 12.00
Parallel framework agreements engineering design groups. 08.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Nedre Eiker municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Rollag municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Drammen municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Nes municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Flesberg municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Hol municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Lier municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Røyken municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Kongsberg municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Hurum municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Facilitated transport Øvre Eiker municipality. 14.03.2017 12.00
Invitation to dialogue regarding non-emergency transport in Stavanger, Sandnes og Randaberg.
17/001689 Market Survey Red Hat Linux and Red HatSatellite system.
NRK MA2962/16E Audio processing equipment for TV and internet, market survey / RFI..
Purchase of scanners including maintenance and service.
The purchase of a tractor with front loader.
Medicines and pharmacy products, framework agreement. 24.02.2017 12.00
Cleaning agents, light sources and food packaging. 27.02.2017 12.00
Framework agreement joinery work. 24.02.2017 12.00

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